Tag Archives: fb

I’m trying to use.. But.. Mmmm..

As I said before ( https://imnaba.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/mmm-i-dont-like-the-closed-website/ ), I can’t have motivation to use Facebook, yet.

But, for other some reason, I got another account, and I’m trying to use (just try? or testing?) Facebook now.

I am going to use the account to my violin practice notes, and to share those idea in local (I mean, neighborhood? or the people live in near places), so, I use Japanese language in that account, yea, besides, my English is too broken, I can’t write about difficult issues, yet.

(And, I’m going to add the widget of Facebook, in the pane of this blog, but I don’t know how to use it..)

The first post (why does FB people used to say “post” as “status”???) of the account is..

